
Nick Gova

Family Law

Nick a highly skilled professional within all aspects of family law. With close to a decade of expertise, he has been recognised as a “rising star” in the field and has built an impressive track record in representing a diverse range of clients.

Nick’s innovative approach to financial matters in divorce and securing financial provision for an unmarried parent with children (Schedule 1 Children Act) sets him apart. Nick is well versed where there are issues involving international factors, businesses, pensions, tax and liquidity concerns.

Nick also specialises with international and religious marriages and divorce placing him uniquely within the market as a leading Asian Family Lawyer in the country.

Nick’s experience extends to advising and representing clients in respect of children matters, involving disputed arrangements, orders, progressing contact as well as seeking the appropriate directions to prevent contact. Nick is experienced in dealing with cases involving leave to remove a child from a jurisdiction, child abduction matters, making a child a ward of this country and relocation cases, both internally and internationally.

Additionally, he habitually prepares pre-nuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements and cohabitation agreements. Nick is also the architect of the 'Pup Nup®', designed to safeguard the future of pets in a divorce. His peers acknowledge him as a relentless negotiator and he has recently been described as “awesome” and a “formidable force” in matters at the Family Court, Magistrates Court and High Court. Nick is popular with clients for his meticulous preparation, in depth knowledge coupled with his empathetic approach to family proceedings.

Reported Case: J and K v L (Schedule 1: older children) [2021] EWFC B10

  • Contributor to Today’s Family Lawyer and eprivateclient.
  • 35 under 35 UK Indian Young Leaders.

Case Studies

  1. TOLATA matter involving a same sex couple. They purchased a property together. Following the breakdown of the relationship, the parties sought to determine their respective interests and sell the property.
  2. Annulment: The parties have been married for less than a year but have not consummated their marriage. Process chosen on the basis of religious grounds.
  3. Acting for a Father in a Children Act matter where Mother is a part of a religious sect which commonly practices voodoo, ascertaining a child arrangements order in favour of the father.
  4. Financial Matter: Represented a wife in a 5 day final hearing involving £4 million in assets, family wealth (established through a number of businesses and a property portfolio), Intervenor issues involving alleged loans and dissipation of funds.
  5. Financial Matter: Acting for a husband where the assets were in excess of £7 million.
  6. Financial Matter: Acting for a housewife where the assets were in excess of £12 million and the parties had children together.
  7. Represented a mother in a Children Act matter where the father prevented the mother from seeing the children, following allegations by the children to third parties. Father campaigned to undermine the mother and alienate her (following most recent guidance by the President of the Family Division), plus was continually recording the children. Following a Fact Finding Hearing, there were no findings made against the mother, despite the father putting forward numerous allegations. Conversely, Nick managed to secure findings on behalf of the mother, against the father. The father was represented by a heavyweight national firm.
  8. Financial Matter: Represented the husband who is a GP where liquid assets were in the region of £2 million. This was a long marriage where the parties’ children refused to have a relationship with the client. The wealth of the parties has largely been built up during the marriage including 2 companies which are owned by the husband. There were lucrative Pensions in issue too.
  9. Financial Matter: Represented Intervenors within contentious financial proceedings. The wife claimed an interest against money and property belonging to the husband’s family.

Outside Work

Nick enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, exploring new culinary experiences at restaurants as well as embarking on exciting adventures abroad.